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The 4 Key Roles of a Service Management Software in After-Sales Complaint Management!

  • 28th December 2022

Growing revenue is the ultimate aim of any industry business, and there are no changes for service sectors. To do that, first of all, the organization has to create an environment for the service force where they can use their full work potential to achieve business goals. But how?  The most asked question by service team managers, and still working on it for finding the best solution. Sit back and relax, there is an adequate solution for this trouble, which is an effective field service management tool!

An effective field service management software is an insightful tool, you can depend on it for resolving after-sale complexities with better care. Its features help you streamline service operations systematically and effectively which will be resulted in boosting productivity. It helps you prevent communication gaps and thereby happens effective collaboration on field service works.

In this blog, you will see the four major roles of field service management software for the systematic management of after-sale complaints!

Effective complaint management

We all know that customers always want better services from service providers, and your failure in doing may lead to a severe loss of revenue. With effective management of after-sale complaints, you can coordinate all service activities effectively. By connecting the web dashboard and mobile application, complaints (unresolved/resolved) can be updated with immediate effect in the central database of the service management software. It helps you quickly assess complaints and plan the best effective means of solutions for better customer retention.

Live tracking of field service executives

It is very essential if you get a chance to connect service executives to have control over service management activities. Service management software provides digital punch-in and punch-out options for service executives for their convenience. Thereby, the respective service team manager gets notified of their service executive's working hours at their fingertips. It also helps maintain proper workflow in service activity management.

Target Handling

Service admins will be receiving service management targets for a definite period which in turn will be updated to their service reps. And, the service reps can update regarding the real-time completions of targets. For motivating your workforce with the best enthusiasm, rewards can be presented to those employees upon showcasing amazing work performance.

Excellent management of new orders & statuses

Orders for parts replacement or any additional requirement, along with services booked, during client visits can be directly updated in the central database through the mobile apps. The service managers can access it within the very next few seconds and do arrangements effectively. It will be resulted in the fast and efficient management of work orders and enhances better customer relationships.

An effective service management software will make sure that all of your service activities are streamlined effectively, and that will result in improved productivity for your organization. Customer engagement matters so much more for your organization, and with an effective field service management tool, you can achieve it. +91 755 984 2555 +91 755 984 2555
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